Hughes 9502 BGAN Satellite Scada Solution


Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) is a broadband satellite internet network providing connectivity via portable and fixed terminals. International Satellite Services, Inc is introducing the BGAN 9502 satellite IP solution. The BGAN 9502 provides real-time high-speed access for fixed locations through the Inmarsat service. This BGAN 9502 Satellite terminal is best suited for Machine to Machine (M2M), Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) specifically designed for TCP-IP applications.

The BGAN 9502 Satellite SCADA terminal is ideal for applications in environmental monitoring, video surveillance, Smart Meter, pipeline monitoring, compressor monitoring and any other projects which involve communication with remote assets. This terminal is power consumption friendly as it only draws 3 – 4 watts for an always open TCP-IP network connection. In idle or hibernation mode the terminal’s power consumption can be as low as 0.01 watts. Given that most of these applications are located in remote locations, power consumption is a major priority. With this model, it is easy to use solar power which can be installed at a very low cost to power the device.

Apart from savings in power consumption, the airtime costs are specific to SCADA applications and competitive with terrestrial service plans. Unlike other service providers where connection charges include overhead from registering and other network costs, this service is only billed according to actual data transferred.

Installation of the 9502 is quite easy especially given that no technical expertise is needed to establish connection with the stationary Geo-satellites. Any experienced technician can set-up the system. The only requirement is that the antennae is placed out in the open. Connection to the satellite is established when the antennae is positioned relative to the location of the satellite. The installer will hear an audible sound and the faster the beeps, the closer the terminal is to locking onto the BGAN satellite network. The terminal includes a 10 meter RF antennae cable for flexibility in positioning the unit.

One of the greatest concerns in M2M communication is data security. Many VSAT options and other non L – Band solutions can be vunerable to hacker attacks. The first level of protection on this SCADA Satellite terminal has security enhancements with extended layers of security.

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