Spanish Fishing fleets choose Fleetbroadband


Satellite IP solution selected for e-logging on Spanish fishing fleets

More than 700 Spanish boats select Fleetbroadband 150 and 250 Marine Satellite Systems to electronically report fishing vessel catches as now required by the European Union.

This Inmarsat satellite broadband solution will provide transmission of data securely and cost effectively to Spain’s fishing vessels.

Following Ireland’s footsteps, Spain is one of the first EU members to adopt this type of Satellite IP solution necessary for compliance with logbook rules.

This mandatory logbook regulation was enacted in January 2010 for boats over 78ft an now include all fishing vessels over 49ft by July 2011.

This electronic reporting protocol provides details of what and how much fish each boat brings up as well as trans-shipments, landings and sales. The goal here is to mitigate illegal and unreported fishing as well as improve and maintain the world’s fish stocks.

The Spanish government provides grants up to $5,800 to these fishing companies to subsidize the cost of this program.

“The FleetBroadband service is the perfect system to meet the EU’s new fishing quota requirements according to Carlos Suarez del Villar, sitcom director at Nautical.

“However, in the long term we also aim to show fishing companies that having broadband communications on board can significantly improve their business.

“The high-speed, always-on connectivity enables them to check weather reports and charts – and even create an online marketplace where they can sell their catch before they arrive back at shore.”

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