Inmarsat Coverage Area
Inmarsat Satellite Network
The Inmarsat Satellite Network is the world's first global mobile satellite communications operator and is still the only constellation to offer a mature range of modern sat com services for maritime, land mobile and aeronautical applications.
Like the AT&T's and Verizons of the cellular world, the portable satellite internet and voice industry includes companies like Inmarsat, Iridium, and Ligado. All of these constellations operate in what's called the L Band Satellite Frequency. Unlike Satellite television that suffers from rain fade, L Band is an ideal frequency for providing reliable satellite internet and voice solutions in any environment and the footprint covers 99% of the globe.
Formed as a maritime-focused intergovernmental organization over 20 years ago, Inmarsat Services have been a limited company since 1999, serving a broad range of markets that includes satellite PTT, portable satellite internet and more. Starting with a user base of 900 ships in the early 1980s, it now supports satellite technology for handheld phones, fax and portable broadband data communications at up to 492 kbps to more than 210,000 ship, vehicle, aircraft and portable terminals. That number is only growing, too!
Global phones and broadband internet
As well as merchant shipping, our customers include governments, airlines, the broadcast media, the oil and gas industry, mining, construction, and humanitarian aid agencies – to name just a few.
They connect to our fleet of 11 satellites using a range of equipment, including global handheld satellite phones and notebook-size broadband internet devices, as well as specialist terminals and antennas fitted to ships, aircraft and road vehicles.
Market leader in mobile satellite services
Our business has grown strongly since 1999 when we became the first intergovernmental organization to transform into a private company, later floating on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: ISAT.L) in 2005.
In fact, today Inmarsat plc is the market leader in the provision of mobile satellite services, with the largest portfolio of global satellite communications solutions and value-added services on the market.
Five market-facing business units
Our global sales and marketing activities are operated through five market-facing business units:
- Inmarsat Maritime, focusing on worldwide commercial maritime opportunities
- Inmarsat U.S. Government, focusing on US government opportunities, both military and civil
- Inmarsat Global Government, focusing on worldwide (i.e. non-US) civil and military government opportunities
- Inmarsat Enterprise, focusing on worldwide enterprise, energy, media and M2M opportunities.
- Inmarsat Aviation, focusing on in-flight voice, data, safety services and cabin connectivity, for both business and commercial air transport.
With a presence in more than 60 locations across every continent, our world-class products, services and solutions and 24/7/365 customer support facilities are available directly from our talented Service Providers (SPs).
From satellite PTT solutions to broadband internet, we continue to provide reliable and efficient mobile satellite communication services for a wide range of industries and users around the world.