BGAN Service instrumental in Mining Exploration

man talking in front of mine

Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN Service) is unique in offering world wide simultaneous mobile broadband data with voice on a truly portable device. It is also the first such device to offer “guaranteed” 256K streaming for live video and video conferencing.

Based in Perth Western Australia, Haines Surveys uses gravimeters to provide a kind of “X-ray vision” – seeing through rock – looking for clues as to what minerals are present in the ground. Haines personnel travel to the remotest parts of Australia in search of mining opportunities, marking those locations that hold promise using GPS tracking antennas.

In the past, Haines had to send highly paid geophysicists to the sites to gather the data who then often had to travel many miles to find an internet connection so that they could transmit their findings back to the office. The advent of the BGAN Service has greatly speeded up the process by providing on site satellite internet connectivity which allows for locally trained, less expensive technicians to collect the data and then immediately transmit it to the geophysicists back at the office for analysis.

The company’s co-founder and director, Richard Haines had already utilized satcom equipment for remote voice communications. For the past 12 months, more than 22 of their field technicians have also utilized the BGAN Hughes 9201 terminal for data transmission. Geophysicists in the office are able to use email to send detailed instructions to the field technicians directing them to the areas most likely to contain mineral deposits. Armed with the results of this data analysis, the mining companies have a pretty good idea of where to start exploratory drilling.

“BGAN has revolutionized the way we do business. Geophysicists can remain in the office providing essential data analysis enabling mining companies to act fast to exploit new deposits.”

“Gravitational surveying is a game of logistics, which is where BGAN proves vital. It means no more wasted time traveling out of our way to send data back to the office.”

The new BGAN facility has allowed larger raw gravity files to be sent to our Perth of Adelaide offices on a daily basis. Files of up to 3MB are now regularly sent to the office, allowing final processing of the data to be completed that evening.”

“BGAN has removed the need for reprocessing of the gravity data, resulting in a cost saving on average of $5,000.00 per project.”


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