iSatPhone Pro Satellite Phone Evaluation


The company TelAstra was commissioned by Inmarsat to run an independant study of the iSatPhone Pro Satellite Phone to compare it with 2 other handheld satellite phones on the market, the Iridium 9555 and the Thuraya XT. All three phones were tested over a 2 month period in 16 different countries. This evaluation was conducted by Roger Rush who is an independent satellite communications consultant with over 45 years industry experience.

Roger tested the IsatPhone Pro Satellite phone against the competition and used the following 6 criteria. It was determined by this evaluation that the iSatPhone Pro Satellite Phone is the “ultimate combination”

1. Global coverage
2. Robust handset
3. Clear voice quality
4. Reliable network connection
5. Long battery life
6. Easy to use

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