iSatphone Pro satellite phone is now data capable…with compression

satellite phone

The iSatPhone Pro satellite phone with up to 8 hours of talk time and 100 hours in standby mode operates via the reliable Inmarsat satellite network. The iSatPhone Pro Satellite phone offers the lowest per minute rates in the industry and now the phone is data capable. Now with the help of OCEN’s Mail and OCENS WeatherNet services, the lower bandwidth of the this phone is faster and transformed into a data ready device to be used anywhere on the planet.

iSatPhone data services transmits at a rate that moves about 10 Kilobytes (about half of the information in this blog post) in 60 seconds. Compared to terrestrial data services and other high speed satellite devices like the BGAN service, this is relatively slow, however with compression via OCENS Mail, transmission speeds are up to 15 times faster. Faster data speeds through compression, translates to more cost effective airtime and an overall time savings to free up your schedule to complete other tasks. OCENS Mail is so impressive that Inmarsat used the service in the original beta testing of the phone. OCENS Mail and WeatherNet are compaticle with Windows 7, Vista and XP however the iSatPhone Pro Satellite Phone does not yet work with Mac OS.

Many of our maritime customers require weather information and ocean data; WeatherNet is the ideal solution. Weather charts, route information and other fishing info could take up to 15 minutes to download with bandwidth @ 10Kbps. However, WeatherNet automatically compresses and downloads this information in a fraction of the time. The OCENS Mail service and WeatherNet both provide a software guru which walks you through the iSatPhone Pro set up on your computer which also installs drivers for the satellite phone on your PC

Firmware on the IsatPhone must be upgraded to version 4 in order to enable the data services.. Here is the International Satellite Services Video via OCENS on how to perform this upgrade

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