Why people need a satellite phone

Throughout the western hemisphere, the Atlantic hurricane season lays its affects to more than 35 million businesses and homes. Due to this, millions of people are left to live in fear as a result of torrential rains and devastating winds. Even more worse is the fact that these conditions lead to the destruction of power lines thereby leaving these people without electricity and communications that make them unable to make calls in search for help.

The strong storm surges renders people unproductive throughout the region in the gulf cost of the United States which in turn leads to the shutting down of companies operations. The communication systems go down and companies are left in isolation from their customers, clients and the entire world at large. Land based cellular and radio telecom services become unreliable due to floods and winds and the only means of communication that people can turn to is satellite equipment. This is simply because satellite networks like Inmarsat, iridium and Lightsquared are the only ones capable of delivering communication.

During these difficult times, you really need a satellite phone. Phones such as the iSatPhone Pro is powered by the Inmarsat network as well as the Iridium 9555 satellite phones are highly recommended. This is simply because these phones offer high quality network service as well as a superior network coverage footprint. These phones are therefore in a position to help you or your company to stay connected throughout the hurricane season especially in the aftermath of Ike and hurricanes Gustav.

During the hurricane disaster recovery periods, wireless communication equipment which includes iridium satellite phones can be used to facilitate public safety to both individuals and companies seeking dependable communication systems.

These phones are capable of facilitating communication when cities are faced by power outages and when cellular networks are down. This is very essential in that it ensures that there is connectivity between employees and hence continuous productivity and competitiveness.

In the bid for disaster preparedness, it is recommended that one acquires his or her satellite phone in advance. This is simply because during the hurricane season the demand for these phones goes high and on the other hand their delivery by the suppliers gets delayed depending on the projection path of the hurricane. It is therefore necessary to purchase these phones as soon as possible before the storms are upon us.

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