Top 3 Reasons You Need a Satellite Phone Now

Do you need a satellite phone?

Have you been thinking about getting a satellite phone?

Whether you have or have not considered getting mobile or fixed sat phone service, there are several compelling reasons why you might want to consider it now. And, if you haven’t spent much time learning about your options for satellite-based connectivity, you might be surprised by the options available today.

No. 1: Your Ongoing Need for Connectivity

When you need to stay in touch with your family, your office, your customers, etc., losing connectivity can quickly become problematic.

We all have circumstances during which staying connected is critical. Maybe your business requires you to constantly keep in touch with the main office because you often travel outside of cellular coverage and you cannot afford to miss any important updates.  Or perhaps you want to say goodnight to your kids before they go to bed and you are off the grid and no other form of communications is reliable.

The bottom line is that, when you need a method of communication that you can rely on any time, anywhere, satellite phones are the answer.

No. 2: The Growing Threats to Communications Channels

Between changing weather patterns and the threat of wide-spread disaster (natural and man-made), cellular networks can quickly fail. As a result, anyone who relies on a traditional cell phone risks losing their ability to communicate with the outside world.

If cell towers are compromised or destroyed, you could be struck for weeks or months without coverage in your area.

Reliability is the hallmark of sat-based phones and push-to-talk radios. If you choose to add data connectivity in addition to voice communication, you won’t have to worry about ever losing access to the internet, so all of your bases are covered.

No. 3: The Affordability of Satellite Phones

If you’re like many consumers today, you may have avoided exploring sat phones because you believe the costs are overwhelming. If that’s the case, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.

Handheld satellite phones, on average, can cost about the same as many of today’s most popular smartphones, in some cases…even less. Airtime can also be surprisingly affordable, especially as compared to the roaming charges you’re subject to through cell carriers. You can purchase airtime on a prepaid basis, or you can set up monthly service, depending on your needs

Today’s advanced technology means that you’ll have various options to select from when choosing a sat phone and service. This can be overwhelming, especially if you aren’t familiar with many of the common terms and jargon related to the satellite communications industry.

At International Satellite Services Inc., we take the mystery and confusion out of the process. We are the user-friendly satellite phone store, providing exceptional service with a highly personalized approach. Our team of experts can assist you with both stationary and mobile satellite service, and make sure you get the equipment and services you need to achieve your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how simple and affordable it can be for anyone to get a satellite phone.

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