How To Transform Your Smartphone Into A Satellite Phone

Iridium go

In today’s day and age, the ability to communicate across wide swaths of space, including those without traditional cell coverage, is a major need for many people and entities. This is particularly important for those who want to continue utilizing your smartphone with advanced capabilities, and one strong approach here is transforming your smartphone into a satellite phone.

At International Satellite Services, we’re proud to offer an extensive range of portable satellite calling and portable satellite internet services via the Iridium GO!, a global solution that allows you to turn any smartphone into a satellite phone. Here’s a primer on how this device works, how it allows you to transform your smartphone into a device with satellite capabilities even if you’re outside your cell network, and some other important benefits of the Iridium GO! and similar devices.

Basics on Iridium GO!

The Iridium GO! is a small, compact hotspot device that connects to the Iridium satellite network. This network is made up of low-earth orbit satellites that provide coverage across the entire globe, including poles and oceans. The Iridium GO! acts as a bridge between your smartphone and this satellite network, allowing you to make calls, send messages, and access the internet from anywhere in the world.

WiFi Hotspot No Matter Where You Are on the Planet

The Iridium GO! device measures 4.5 x 3.25 x 1.25 inches and weighs 295 grams. When you’re in the middle of nowhere and want to place a call, get info on storm warnings, or check your email, all you have to do is open the Iridium Go app on your iOS or android tablet or smartphone, flip up the device’s integrated antenna and the connection immediately converts into a satellite transmission with a radius of approximately 100ft. The Iridium Go is very rugged and withstands harsh weather conditions and links up as many as five mobile devices simultaneously.

Small and Convenient

One of the key benefits of the Iridium GO! is its compact size and portability. It’s designed to be easily carried around, making it perfect for hikers, campers, sailors, and other outdoor enthusiasts who want to stay connected no matter where they are in the world. The device is also ideal for businesses operating in remote locations or areas with unreliable cellular coverage.

Affordable Global Communication

Transforming your smartphone into a satellite phone using the Iridium GO! can save you a significant amount of money compared to traditional satellite phones. With no additional contracts or activation fees required, all you need is an existing data plan through your service provider to connect to the Iridium network.

Kinds of Clients Who Benefit From Smartphone Transformation

There are numerous types of clients who can benefit from transforming their smartphones into satellite phones using the Iridium GO! This includes individuals such as adventurers, outdoor enthusiasts, and remote workers. It also benefits organizations like emergency response teams, humanitarian aid groups, research expeditions, and marine industries.

Whether you’re an individual looking for reliable communication while exploring the great outdoors or a business in need of global connectivity for your operations, the Iridium GO! is a versatile and cost-effective solution that allows you to transform your smartphone into a satellite phone. With its compact size, easy-to-use interface, and affordable plans, it’s no wonder that the Iridium GO! continues to be a popular option.

At International Satellite Services, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best satellite communication solutions, including the Iridium GO! Contact us today to learn more about how you can transform your smartphone into a satellite phone wherever you are in the world and get satellite internet for camping, off-roading or any other kind of need. Stay connected even when you’re off the grid with International Satellite Services and the Iridium GO!

Malaysia Airlines MH370 – Inmarsat Satellites Provide Some Clues


March 26, 2014

Although the cause of the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370 remains a mystery, apparently the ultimate fate of the airliner does not. Based on intense analysis of satellite data provided by the British satellite communications company INMARSAT, the Malaysian government has concluded light MH370 terminated in the Southern Indian Ocean.

In a March 24th press release, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak stated that, through the use of “Doppler” analysis provided by INMARSAT, which has “never before been used in an investigation of this sort”, Inmarsat engineers concluded that the plane’s last known position was in the middle of the Southern Indian Ocean, some nautical 1500 miles Southwest of Perth, Australia.

Prime Minister Razak went on to say that “This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must conclude that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.” There can be no survivors.

INMARSAT’s  assistance in the search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 was enlisted almostinmarsat satellite immediately after the aircraft disappeared. Although ACAR, the main Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, had been apparently disabled by the cockpit crew, one of Inmarsat’s geostationary satellites continued to receive a series of automated hourly ‘pings’ from a terminal on the plane. Analysis of these pings established that MH370 continued flying for at least five hours after the aircraft left Malaysian airspace

“We looked at the Doppler effect, which is the change in frequency due to the movement of a satellite in its orbit. What that then gave us was a predicted path for the northerly route and a predicted path the southerly route,” explained Chris McLaughlin, senior vice president of external affairs at Inmarsat. “That’s never been done before; our engineers came up with it as a unique contribution.” Although this information was relayed to Malaysian officials almost immediately after flight MH370 disappeared, there was a delay of several days before officials redirected the search efforts to include the area described by the satellite data.

Meanwhile, Inmarsat’s engineers continued to analyze the pings and developed a much moredetailed Doppler affect model for two possible paths that the aircraft may have flown. They were able to establish an “extraordinary matching” between Inmarsat’s predicted path and the readings from other planes on that route. “By yesterday they were able to definitively say that the plane had undoubtedly taken the southern route,” said McLaughlin.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the passengers and crew of Flight MH370.

2 is Better Than 1 – Strategic Partnership Between Satellite Providers

Naples, Fl

April 1st, 2014 – LightSquared, operators of the MSAT communications satellite constellation, are pleased to announced a multi-year strategic partnership agreement with ViaSat, Inc. ViaSat offers fixed and mobile satellite network services, which features ViaSat-1, the world’s highest capacity satellite; satellite broadband networking systems; and network-centric military communication systems and cyber security products for the U.S. and allied governments. Together, LightSquared and ViaSat will introduce ViaSat L-band Managed Service, an exciting new mobile satellite service that will combine the power of LightSquared’s MSAT state-of-the-art SkyTerra 1 L-band satellite, with ViaSat secure, all-IP, true packet-switched satellite technology.

Considered one of the most powerful communications satellites ever built

SkyTerra 1 L-band satellite provides ubiquitous coverage throughout North and Central America. Launched in 2011, the L-band satellite supports transmissions to small, cost effective MSAT G2 Satellite Radio by using a 22-meter reflector-based antenna, the largest satellite reflector ever employed on a commercial satellite. ViaSat L-band Managed Service will be the first to use this advanced satellite technology to support higher data throughputs to smaller devices and facilitate an order of magnitude capacity improvement over comparable L-band legacy systems. The new managed service is a reliable, always-on, low latency service that offers broadcast and multicast data transport and embedded voice over a highly secure network.

ViaSat L-band Managed Service will enable the development of specific applications designed to serve the communications needs of consumer, enterprise, and government segments. This unique device ecosystem will initially include M2M, vehicular, and aviation devices designed to support a range of applications from communications for emergency first responders, to monitoring oil and gas flow through pipelines, to mobile workforce management, and tracking and monitoring of high-valued assets whether fixed or mobile.

Download speeds up to 10 times what they are able to achieve today

“Our strategic cooperation with ViaSat provides LightSquared with an expanded foundation for near- and long-term business opportunities,” said Doug Smith, chairman and CEO of LightSquared. “This agreement gives new and current LightSquared partners access to a lineup of products and services with smaller form factors and will offer download speeds up to 10 times what they are able to achieve today.”

“The LightSquared SkyTerra 1 L-band satellite has brought the same kind of bold innovation to personal mobile communications that we’ve brought to satellite broadband with our high-capacity ViaSat-1 Ka-band satellite,” said Phil Berry, VP and general manager of MSS at ViaSat. “Together with LightSquared, we are bringing to market products and services that address the unmet needs of a variety of mobile communicators.”

A Dispatch Radio that works when nothing else does


Without a doubt the MSAT G2 Dispatch capable satellite radio is the satellite terminal of choice when it comes to North American emergency response and crisis management. There are several reasons for that but the primary one is that DISPATCH RADIO WILL FUNCTION WHEN NOTHING ELSE DOES.

Dispatch Radio service operates independently of all public telephone switches (PSTN’s). When landlines

MSAT G2 Satellite Radioare down and cell phone towers are inoperable, Dispatch Radio via satellite will be there. The capacity of the satellite is such that its’ virtually impossible to overload it. The only negative, unfortunately MSAT will only work within the North American footprint. (see satellite footprint below)

The MSAT constellation was launched in the 1996. It consisted of two geosynchronous (high earth fixed orbit) satellites, MSAT 1 and MSAT 2. The constellation has been in continuous operation ever since. In 2011 MSAT launched Skyterra 1, its second generation satellite and, at the time, the most powerful commercial communication satellite in existence. Skyterra 1 has an estimated useful life of 20 years.

It’s important to note that construction of Skyterra 2, the sister satellite, has been completed. Skyterra 2 could be launched on short notice should the need arise. Also, both of the original satellites are still in orbit, still functional and could be brought back into service within hours should a problem arise with Skyterra 1.

If you are considering satellite communications for the purpose of providing communications redundancy for your operations, you should also consider satellite constellation redundancy…. and MSAT has it in spades. Also, given the instability in the world today, many of our MSAT customers find peace of mind knowing that MSAT is a joint venture solely between the United States and Canada, two governments with a very long history of being friends.

While a substantial part of our MSAT business deals with every day operational commercial use, an even MSAT G2 Satellite Footprintgreater segment of it supports emergency management and crises response capabilities. There are literally thousands of MSAT units in use throughout federal, state and local governments in both the US and Canada. The US Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Transportation would be three of the largest federal agencies employing this service. We even have special Talk Groups established that can be utilized only by these agencies.
On the subject of cost…

The MSAT G2 radio can be configured for vehicular, terrestrial (fixed), marine installations and portable “go kit” use. All four configurations utilize the same “radio”. Variations include the length of the antenna cables (longer options available for building/fixed installations) as well as ruggedized antenna mounting brackets for the fixed version. The marine unit includes a 3 axis antenna.

There are also a variety of peripheral/3rd party products which are available. These are designed to facilitate specific “install” requirements. Two of the most widely used are:

– handset extenders which can be used to locate radio handsets as far as 3,000 feet from the actual radio itself. These are great for installations in large office buildings.
– as many as 50 different individuals can have access to a single MSAT radio via our PST/RST unit. This means that employees can access the MSAT Dispatch from their individual desks.

The cost of a Dispatch Radio Talk Group (TG) is spread among all member radios in that Talk Group. As an example, if there are 100 radios in a TG the cost per radio per month would likely be less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee. The more member radios in the Talk Group the more cost effective the TG, simple as that.

Satellite to Propel Numerex on Global M2M, New Duplex Services


Numerex, an Atlanta, Ga. based Machine-to-Machine (M2M) service provider, is looking at ways to expand its services internationally by using satellite. About 90 percent of the company’s business is cellular, but Steve Baker, VP of network product management at Numerex, told Via Satellite that satellite plays an integral role in the company’s operations, and that Numerex sees satellite as a way to bring new services and new customers online around the world.

Full article…..

For more information about our entire portfolio of Satellite M2M Solutions check out our website here

Cobham provides internet at sea for Volvo Ocean Race

boat crew

[SatNews] The Volvo Ocean Race is a testament to the skill and endurance of the crews battling the sea and the elements in a trial of seamanship and boat design.

The race also illustrates the crucial part communications play in modern sailing. Cobham has a major role in the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15, supplying technology that not just keeps the boats in touch with the control center and provides vital contact in time of emergency, but is also a key element in video coverage of the race.

Full Story….

For more information about getting access to affordable internet at sea, please check out the Fleet One solution now.

Globalstar has a solution for farmers with FindMyAnimal


[SatNews] Globalstar announced that it will support its Value Added Re-seller, FindMyAnimal, at the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA), Abu Dhabi, March 9-10, as they demonstrate their innovative animal tracking devices, which are enabled via Globalstar’s low-powered STX-3 Chipset and LEO Simplex network. Globalstar and FindMyAnimal will exhibit a variety of solutions for the farming community as they explore new ways of using satellite technology to promote sustainability and business efficiencies.

One of the highlights at the show will be FindMyAnimal’s satellite tracking animal collar, which are already being used to track over 12,000 valuable sheep and cattle in Norway, monitor cattle in Brazil and endangered species in North Africa.

Full Story Here…..

Iridium is bringing a new service to the world

Iridium broadcast

[SatNews] Iridium Communications Inc. (Nasdaq:IRDM) has announced four industry-leading, value-added manufacturing partners that will design, manufacture and distribute products compatible with Iridium Certus broadband, the company’s next-generation broadband service.

Iridium Certus will leverage the enhanced capabilities of Iridium NEXT to deliver versatile, enterprise-grade, reliable communications, anywhere and everywhere in the world.

Full story here….

For more information about Iridium products and services check out our website.